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2021. 04. 08

Transmission of knowledge: one of our top priorities!

Every year, we invest in the training of our permanent and temporary employees. For example, all our permanent welders are qualified to carry out the welding of our aluminium structures by the book. This year, we have put in place a cabling training plan – as part of our partnership with Pôle Emploi, Proman and Neptune RH (French job centres and recruitment offices), we are currently training 10 people for cabling workshops! These trainees are getting ready for their seasonal employment and to join us during the peak production season.

Pôle emploi and Proman are in charge of selecting candidates before we share with them our unique know-how thanks to supervisory tutors known for their experience and expertise! This marks just the beginning of a long-term partnership!

They were awarded their certification yesterday! Well done to them all 👏

Soon, 10 other people will follow a training in ironwork ‍‍🧑‍🏭

